Application is hanging

Accédez ici aux discussions à propos de BackgammonCoach, application pour jouer au Backgammon avec l'aide d'un coach intelligent fondé sur GnuBG...

Application is hanging

Message par Artarzi » 18 Décembre 2014, 22:32

I've been a user of this application for several years. The last version hangs (stops accepting input) very soon after I start it. At the longest it happens on the second game.
Using it on an iPad mini (and an iPad 2)
Message(s) : 1
Inscription : 18 Décembre 2014, 22:28

Re: Application is hanging

Message par Laurent Pichon » 19 Janvier 2015, 07:54

Hi !

I’m really sorry about this and I’m currently programming a new release that should resolve the issue.

I just need your patience during about a month more, before I can deliver this enhanced release…

Is that possible ?

Best regards,
Laurent Pichon
Laurent Pichon
Message(s) : 944
Inscription : 03 Avril 2013, 11:31

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